Citation - Boston News Letter: 1737.04.28

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Index Entry Godess of harmony, thy succour bring [fl] 
Location Boston 
21-28 Apr 1737:11 (1730)
From the Country Journal, London, March 5. 1737. [Re. death
of Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe, formerly Mrs. Singer, on 20 February
Boston, April 26.  [2 paras]
Music, poetry and painting were her three beauties and
delights. . . [3 lines + 1 para]
When Mr. Rowe courted her, he wrote thus to a gentleman
neighbour to Mr. Singer, and intimate at his house.  Jan.
19. 1710.
Godess of harmony, thy succour bring,
Whilst I thy darling Philomela sing.
In vain I call, no hears the muse my pray'r,
Hurry'd away be winds and lost in the air.
. . . [70 lines]  Thomas Rowe.
. . . [5 paras]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1737.04.28 
Publisher Draper, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1737 
Bibliography B0008558
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